At Ballyhoo Communications, we help companies convey their vision and personality in a coherent and inspiring way. Our goal is to connect with the target group and create sustainable impact that goes much further than just design.
Designing from the core to connect with the world.
Projects of BALLYHOO, for clients such as, Steunpunt GOK, Minister Peter Vanvelthoven, are described in the publications of the ‘Webdesign Index’, editions 03, 04 and 06 / by PepinPress, The Netherlands.
BALLYHOO was nominated for the Flemish ‘DotCulture Award‘ in 2003 for the designs Vive la Nourriture.
BALLYHOO was founded by Leen De Smedt. Lena is a graphic artist, based in Aalst, Belgium.
Definition of BALLYHOO
bal·ly·hoo | \ ˈba-lē-ˌhü
1 : A noisy attention-getting demonstration or talk
2 : flamboyant, exaggerated, or sensational promotion or publicity
3 : excited commotion
“Curiosity about life in all of its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.”